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Blow Moulding Equipment (2)

Report to Morecroft, Dawson & Garnetts

S F Bush


This report enquires into matters relevant to the dispute between Big K Manufacturing Company and TWA Machinery (Plastics) Ltd over the supply and commissioning of a blow moulding machine and mould from November 2nd 1984 to March 1985. Relevant court pleading, invoices and correspondence have been examined, but an inspection of the machine was not possible as it was destroyed in a fire at the premises of Big K in early 1986.

The premises of Big K have been inspected however, in August 1985 (in connection with a dispute between Big K and another supplier of blow moulding equipment). Comment is made on the premises’ suitability for a blow moulding operation. In this connection an assessment is made of the sensitivity of blow moulding operations to the quality of machine supervision by the operators and to the quality of the key services required by the machine, notably water and air.

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Blow Moulding Equipment

Report to Watson Engineering Consultants Ltd.

S F Bush


The report enquires into matters relevant to the dispute between Z J Kempchick and Big K Manufacturing Company over the supply of blow moulding tools by the former to the latter during the period April 1984 to January 1985. The relevant court pleadings, invoices, drawings and correspondence have been examined and visits made to both firms’ premises. In addition to making an assessment of the technical performance of the moulds and machine they were used on, an assessment has been made of what is reasonable for a mould supplier to provide in the way of expert assistance in the use of his tools and to relate that to what was actually done and the price charged.

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