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Home Office Figures on Immigration

A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published in March 1969.

Mr G L Lewis (Feb. 28th) challenges my figure of 11 dependants to one voucher holder.  The latest comprehensive information on immigration appears to be in HMSO publication dated April 1968, Cmnd 3594, where it is shown that for the year 1967 4,978 voucher holders entered Britain together with 56,399 dependants, a ratio of 11.3 to one.

These figures include 3,191 vouchers issued to citizens of countries which no longer have any connection with this country (i.e. the Commonwealth republics) accompanied by 38,430 dependants, a ratio of 12 to one.  From the West Indian islands which are still constitutionally linked to this country came 606 voucher holders and 11,255 dependants, a ratio of 18.6 to one.

Total numbers for 1966 are much the same although the ratio of dependants to voucher holders is somewhat smaller.  The figures for 1968 may be obtained by totalling the monthly figures published in the Daily Telegraph.  The latest figures which I have seen are for November (Jan. 18th) when 350 voucher holders entered together with 3,933 dependants (including Kenya Asians), a ratio of 11.2 to one.  Other months are much the same.

What most Britons want to know is how long this immigration is going on for.  I would not stand for the bullying of any man wherever from and of whatever status, nor would I agree to young children being separated from their parents or husbands from wives.  But this is quite different from a commitment to accept an unspecified number of dependants stretching indefinitely into the future.  Those who assert that we have a commitment should urge the Government to set out precisely with whom and where this commitment was made.

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