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Lightweight Cameron

A letter to the Spectator Magazine which was published on 3rd December 2005.

Sheila Donaldson (Letters, 26th November) is dead right to characterise David Cameron’s leadership bid as back to the centrist cosy politics of past Tory grandees like his Oxford patrons Douglas Hurd and Chris Patten.

When finally pinned down by John Humphrys on the Today programme about what actual steps he would take to implement his agenda, the very first thing Cameron came out with was ‘increase the representation of women in Parliament’.  That really is going to be a big help for our country, facing a huge gap between energy needs and affordable supplies, a massive and growing trade deficit, and a pensions crisis getting worse with each month of inaction.  On none of these crucial survival issues did David Cameron have the slightest thing to say.  How lightweight can you get?

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