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Britain needs to keep its manufacturing

A letter to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph which was published on 19th December 2000.

One wonders when Richard Koller of Zurich (letter, Dec. 14th) last stepped inside a British car factory, or British hotel for that matter. Car making is not the crude “metal-bashing” activity he depicts.

Assembly is mainly robotic and, apart from the engine and gear box (themselves highly sophisticated products), most of the other components are either polymeric or electronic.  In fact, car manufacture sets quality standards for the rest of industry in these vital areas.

As for Britain’s reputation “for excellence in financial services and tourism”, it may be observed that all the major investment banks are now in foreign hands, as are several of the major insurance companies.  The collapse of Barings and the Lloyd’s failures were not exactly advertisements for City financial expertise.

At around £12 billion, 1999 saw the biggest balance of trade deficit ever on tourism.  Given the collapse of our railway system, the atrocious weather and exorbitant big city hotel prices, the figures for 2000 will be worse still.  With manufactures making up 75 per cent of our exports, there is no escape, no shying away from the crucial need to keep and expand our manufacturing industries.

The Government can help by not subsidising our competitors through “foreign aid”.  While labour cost is a factor, many global businesses move production to eastern Europe and newly industrialising countries (NICs) because the factories, laboratories and equipment are provided virtually free, through grants and very soft loans made available by the World Bank, European Investment Bank, UNESCO and other aid agencies.

In effect, some of the taxes of the soon-to-be unemployed Luton car workers, and others, have been used to help put them out of work.  Madness!

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