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Partial compatibility and the formation of thickened, shrink-resistant thermoset moulding compounds

Paper published in the Journal of High Performance Polymers (1996) 8 67-82.

S F Bush with J M Methven and D R Blackburn


This paper describes a new class of thermosetting polymer blends. The blends are now used commercially in the manufacture of sheet moulding compounds (SMC) where they exhibit important advantages compared with conventional systems. The new compositions comprise a cross-linkable base resin and unsaturated monomer in which the base resin is dissolved and a saturated additive resin which has a crystalline melting temperature Tm below the temperature Tr at which cross-linking occurs. Between Tr and Tm the additive and base resin form a single liquid phase, which on cooling thickens reversibly to a leathery sheet with no bulk phase separation. The paper describes the mechanisms underlying this viscosity switch phenomenon and the partial compatibility criterion used to select the resin-additive combinations which exhibit this behaviour.

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Networks as the basis of pre-thickening sheet moulding compounds

Paper published by Elsevier, “Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks”, 321-334 (Editor: O Kramer) 1987.

S F Bush with J M Methven and D R Blackburn


The formation of a temporary network by a saturated polyester added to an unsaturated resin appears to provide both an attractive route to the pre-thickening of such resins when used in Sheet Moulding Compounds, and a means of controlling their shrinkage during moulding. It is believed that this is the first report of a successful method of achieving both goals with a single material. The network is based upon the formation of precrystalline clusters of polymer chain segments. The density and character of the network are determined by the compatibility of the saturated polyester and the unsaturated resin.

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