A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published on 25th January 1988.
Those of your readers who have viewed with bewilderment the numerous acts of folly and decay which have afflicted our country in the last thirty years, were given an illuminating glimpse (report, 20th January) of how these come about in a so-called democratic society. Here is a publicly funded, apparently innocuous body, the Citizens Advice Bureaux, passing a resolution (whatever that can mean) to go out of their way to recruit homosexuals to their management committees “to improve the service”.
The next move is to bully CABs into accepting this outrageous policy, which would certainly be rejected by a majority of our fellow citizens, were they given a choice. The manager of the Sherborne office and his colleague, Gill Weston, are to be congratulated on their resistance to this further example of proselytising by this deviant minority and it is to be hoped that fellow citizens in Sherborne will rally actively to their support.