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Modern Materials in the Service of Man

January 9th, 2003

Presentation to the Worth Probus Meeting, Poynton Civic Hall

S F Bush


Manufactured modern materials divide broadly into three categories:

  • METALS (e.g. steel, aluminium)
  • SYNTHETIC POLYMERS (e.g. polythene, polyester [Terylene])
  • CERAMICS (e.g. cement, tableware)

Metals and synthetic polymers are produced in about equal volumes.
The production of cement and bricks for construction is much larger.
Naturally occurring materials which we shape include:

  • Stone and Rock – Ceramics
  • Wood and Leather – Polymers

Most of the materials developments in the last 60 years have centred on designing and making synthetic:

  • Polymers
  • Semi-conductors (for electronics)


Synthetic Polymers
Familiar names include
Type Invented
Polythene UK 1933
Nylon USA 1939
Terylene (polyester) UK 1941
Perspex (acrylic) UK/Germany 1935
Polypropylene Italy/Germany 1958
Polyurethane Germany 1937
uPVC Germany 1930

The basis of all these is the CHAIN of many units.