A paper written during the 2010 General Election campaign as the UKIP candidate for Suffolk Coastal.
To read the text please click on “Economic Effects of Immigration” which will take you to the paper on the Britain Watch website.
To read the text please click on “Economic Effects of Immigration” which will take you to the paper on the Britain Watch website.
Your editorial (April 29th) on the Labour party’s plans for a renewed egalitarian onslaught on the remnants of our academic education sysem are indeed apposite. But as well as the dilution of content and standards you refer to, there is another insidious element in their plans which needs to be exposed.
This is to insist that all students, regardless of inclination or personal choice, should follow courses in what are laughably referred to as “core skills”, such as citizenship, personal and social education.
In other words, unless students are prepared to be indoctrinated with education shiboleths such as multiculturalism, they will be excluded altogether from higher education. Exceptions of course will be made for those of outstanding musical and sporting talents whose governing authorities would not stand for this nonsense.
Taken together with the sheer boredom of a sixth form course which would take students to something like O-level standards at age 19 – instead of 16 only four years ago – these plans will ensure that parents of intellectually able children will struggle not so much to send them to independent schools in this country, but to schools and universities abroad.
The schools educational establishment will have achieved its long-term aim of complete disinheritance in schools of British scientific, language and historical culture. Universities will have to do the work of the schools, but with young adults who will naturally have a grossly inflated view of their own capabilities. We will have a Third World education system at First World prices.