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Numerical Modelling of Chain Orientation in Polymer Flows

Paper to the Polymer Modelling Scales of Structures Conference, Institute of Physics, London

F G Torres and S F Bush


A model proposed by Bush(1, 2) has been extended and numerically implemented to produce molecular chain conformations in polymer flows. The effect of shear and extensional flows is studied. The chain shape is defined as a primary transport variable and viscosity is predicted thereof. Shear thinning of melt viscosity is verified in the simulations. The formulation can be extended to crystallisation and shrinkage studies.


[1] Bush S F, Polymer Model: Flow, Orientation and Crystallization, ICI Europa Ltd, Technical Note 55, 1975

[2] Bush S F, Representation of Polymer Chain Shape in Injection Moulding Simulation, Poly Proc Soc, PPS European Regional Meeting), Brunel University, UK, 18-19 September 1988

[3] Torres F G, Modelling of Polymer and Polymer Composite Flows: Molecular Chain Orientation and Reinforcing Fibre Orientation, MPhil Thesis, UMIST, Manchester, UK, 1997

[4] Agassant J F, Avenas P, Sergent J P and Carreau P J, Polymer Processing Principles and Modeling, Hanser Publishers, Munich, 1991

[5] Bush S F and Dyer P, The Experimental and Computational Determination of Complex Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, A. 351, pp 33-53, 1976

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