Question from Jack Harris
Your leaflets describe a 50% expansion in manufacturing. How do you intend to achieve this?
Prof says . . .
I should like to refer you to the UKIP Main Policy Paper “Produce and Prosper”. A summary can be found at Additionally you can now find a section under UKIP 2010 National Policies [Jobs, Skills and Enterprise (3)] on this site giving details about Production Enterprise Centres (PECs).
My political starting point is that for Britain to regain its self-respect and optimism about the future, in a phrase – to get our country back – two fundamental beliefs need to be established in the minds of people at all levels of society.
Firstly, the only way to steer our country out of the dreadful economic mess which successive governments have brought about, is to give absolute priority to producing the goods and services which the world wants and will pay for. Everyone will have to be engaged to achieve this result.
Secondly, to become a happy and confident nation again, we need to replace the mindset which defers automatically to minority groups, by one which takes a proportionate pride in what our country has achieved over a tremendous span of time – thirteen centuries – in literature, the arts, science, engineering, exploration, and on the battlefield – and to take inspiration for the future from these things.
To start along this road, there are five steps we should take now:
1.Replace the 20th century “make-do-and-mend” approach to our economy by a set of long-term programmes for transport, energy supply, river and coastal protection, and above all for manufacture on which two-thirds of our exports depend: a 5% per year expansion of manufacture over ten years would eliminate our colossal trade deficit and create around one million skilled jobs.
2.Put an end to mass immigration into our over-crowded country once and for all. This in itself will mean Britain leaving the European Union and repealing the Human Rights Act 1998 from which so many perverse decisions derive.
3.Teach all our children our history in chronological sequence from Roman times to the present day with a proportionate, non-apologetic treatment of the British Empire and the Industrial Revolution.
4.Remove all actual or implied race, gender and social class quotas and preferences from the education system, our employment laws, advertisements and official documents of all kinds. Abolish the equality and diversity quangos which depend on them. Cease publishing official documents in foreign languages.
5.Recognise that for someone of working age, not having a job is the greatest social deprivation of all and that other things being equal, British citizens must receive preference in job applications.
A letter to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph which was published on 17th January 1985.
Mr Richard Fenning’s letter (Jan. 16th) about VE day commemorations is typical of a spirit in this country which disapproves of any British success.
Behind the polite smiles of international summits and vapid talk of European co-operation, which Mr Fenning commends, is the hard fact that Japan and West Germany, the defeated enemies of 1945, constitute today as mortal a threat to the survival of this country as they did in 1942.
The manufacturing trading deficit which this country suffers from, and which is the fundamental reason for both the special weakness of the pound and our specially high unemployment, is in turn entirely attributable to the vast imbalance of our trade in manufactures with these two countries.
Until people, including politicians of all shades of opinion recognise that behind the niceties of diplomatic convention we are engaged in a ruthless war for economic survival, with these two countries in particular, nothing will come right for our country.
Only an attitude which accords national economic success the same primacy accorded to military success in 1914-18 and 1939-45 will arrest the shameful slide of the last 25 years.