Presentation to Dow Chemicals in Horgen
Introduction: Work on Control of Fibre Structures
- Rotating die extrusion of tubes with GF, in PP, PP and EDPM, PP and HDPE, HDPE.
- Static die extrusion of sheet with PP and GF.
- Theory of fibre orientation in changing flow fields.
Some Key Results and Concepts
- Rate of orientation of fibres depends on lengths.
- Criticial length/concentration gives semi-stable mat structures.
- Cold-forming die always induces some loss of orientation.
- Mat structures can be obtained with suitably designed static dies (i.e. passive control surfaces).
- Cooling regime is important for a successful process.
- Finish is dependent on mandrel temperature and coating.
- Transverse moduli sharply increased by GF and active or passive control by flow field (rotation or static).
- Transverse strengths can be increased by a factor of 2-3 with flow field control (best with matting).
- Impact resistance sharply increased with matting especially in elimination of crack propagation.