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Averting Energy Catastrophe

The full name of this paper is “Averting Energy Catastrophe: Ensuring the Security and Affordability of Britain’s Energy Supplies 2011-2050”.

 Prof Stephen Bush and David MacDonald presented this paper to a Conference entitled “Climate Change: Who is Paying, and for What?” on 19 March 2011.  It was later revised and published by Prosyma Research Ltd.

To read the text please click on the link “Averting Energy Catastrophe” which will take you to the paper on the Britain Watch website.

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Secure Energy Strategy (SES)

This is a paper submitted to the National Grid in response to the Government’s 2009 Green Strategy.

It was written by Prof Stephen Bush from Prosyma Research Ltd and David MacDonald from Hill Path Projects Ltd on 12th August 2009.

To find a summary, a link to the pdf of the full text and a link to the submission on the National Grid site, please click on Secure Energy Strategy which will take you to this page on the Britain Watch website.

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