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Mechanism of Cracking and Carbon Formation

August 16th, 1977

Invited paper to the Norwegian Institute of Technology Conference on Steam Cracking, Trondheim, 16th-17th August 1977.

S F Bush


What follows is an approximate mechanism and derived rate expressions determined by the need to see broadly what is going on in a very complex system. For a detailed prediction of the cracking pattern of any of dozens of feedstocks, the computer based methods described in Bush and Dyer (Ref 9) are required. In the following, some necessarily approximate generalisations have been made in the interests of understanding the meaning of the overall activation energy and pre-exponential parameters of carbon formation found experimentally.


Ref 9: S F Bush and P Dyer, The experimental and computational determination of complex chemical kinetics mechanisms, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A. 351 33-53 (1976).