Mechanisms and Results from Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding, Sheet Extrusion for Thermoforming and Pipe Extrusion, Polymer Processing Society European Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden
S F Bush
Opening Remarks
Carl Klason’s death was a tremendous shock to me who had got to know him over the last few years but more especially to all those many people who had known him as colleague and friend over his whole distinguished career.
Some of the work to be presented in this lecture has come from a joint CRAFT project with Carl and with Arla Plastprodukter AB and Thompson Plastics Ltd in England. Carl was anxious that this conference should relate to industrial outcomes and this lecture on the SAFIRE programme of work, which I shall describe with its many industrial facets, was seen by him to exemplify this theme. I hope that this will fulfil that expectation.