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Balanced Science

A letter to the BBC Radio4 “PM Programme” which was read out as part of “PM letters” in July 1990.

Your item today announcing that academics and educationalists preferred so-called “balanced science” to teaching physics and chemistry, begs the question as to who these academics are.  I believe I speak for many academics in science and engineering who view “balanced science” with horror.  Physics and chemistry are difficult and demanding disciplines and as such are the foundations of modern science and technology.  “Balanced science” on the other hand is in danger of becoming a hoch-potch of ideas which will leave the average and below average pupil knowing nothing of any real use.

Just as bad, “balanced science” will deny the abler child the opportunity to learn properly the great laws of science, thus completely undermining A-levels, which of course is many educationalists’ fervent wish.  Parents should demand that their schools offer physics and chemistry as separate subjects and not be fobbed off with the specious arguments of educational advisers, few if any of whom have a proper qualification in science anyway.

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