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Police Race Quotas

A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published around 17th April 1999.

It’s not institutional racism we have in our country, but instinctive prejudice against the English people on the part of New Labour and its fellow travellers in the BBC and other public services.  It is noteworthy that Mr Dewar is not rushing to impose on Scotland what Mr Straw is imposing on England.

Unlike the situation in the USA, ethnic minorities in England are not basically one group, but many – Afro-Caribbeans being the single largest, but still only about a quarter of the ethnic minority population.  If Jack Straw’s quotas (sorry, targets) are applied to the police by lumping all ethnic minorities together, then as in certain Inner London Local Authorities, there will inevitably be huge over-representation by some minorities, given the disinclination by other minority groups to join the police for social reasons (as is seen among parts of the English population too).  This in turn will mean a further lowering of entry standards as there already has been to facilitate the recruitment of women where the height qualification has been reduced to a ludicrously small 5 ft 4 in.

Again, how are the police going to judge whether or not someone of mixed parentage qualifies for one of the quota vacancies?  Will Mr Straw bring in the sort of rules which the Nazis used to decide the maximum proportion of non-German parentage which allowed a person to claim German citizenship?

What Jack Straw is doing is sensitising everyone to race, when he should be doing the opposite.  The widespread racial harmony which exists here is clear for anyone with unprejudiced eyes to see in our streets, businesses, shops.  Yet Mr Straw, who seems never to express a kindly word for the ever so decent, ever so kindly, native people of this country, is installing what will be a resented if not hated system, at the behest of an unbalanced report and its race industry supporters.

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BBC training schemes

A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published on 15th June 1994.

The decision by the BBC (Editorial, 14th June) to ban the indigenous British people from applying for six out of only thirteen prestigious traineeships on offer in 1994/95 is another nail in the coffin of that organisation.  Quite apart from its obvious illegality under European Law (Article 48(2)EC) which requires jobs to be open to all the citizens of all EU countries, I wonder if Birt and company have considered all the implications of this latest example of officially sponsored race favouritism.

For instance how will they judge who qualifies for the reserved list?  Will they publish a code defining exactly how much Whiteness will be permitted – an English grandparent for instance?  Have they considered what the attitude of their colleagues will be to those singled out for favoured treatment, or the feelings of those thousands of young graduates denied a crack at jobs in Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol and Elstree, or the feelings for that matter of ethnic minority applicants who could make the grade without special favours?

One wonders what it is that the British functionary class has got against their own people.  No country in history has gone to such lengths as Britain has to smooth the path of immigrants coming as they did to a rich, highly achieving society from some of the poorest regions on earth.  A recent study for instance shows the proportion of ethnic minorities in the university population (8% in 1992) is already greater than their proportion in the population (5.5%).  The pernicious concept of “under representation” quoted by the BBC as an excuse is a one-way street for pressure group privilege, the appetite for which grows with the feeding.  No person should hold a job as the representative of a group, but only because they have won it in open competition with their fellow citizens.

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