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No republic

A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published on 19th January 1998.

W F Deedes’s remarks on republican moves in Australia (Note-book, Jan. 12th) reflect the resigned and spiritless approach to things British which has dominated the conduct of our affairs from Suez to Mrs Thatcher.

Unless those of British descent who are still in the majority in Australia, envisage their virtual disappearance, the population of Australia will never be more than a tiny fraction of that of their huge neighbours to the north.

Of course, it makes as much sense for Australia as for Britain to build friendly relations with its geographical neighbours, but in a shrinking uncertain world, family ties are going to be at least as important, probably more.

It would be an unnecessary unmitigated tragedy if Australia were to break the symbolic link with its British heritage.  It would encourage all those who wish to diminish us both, at a time when Australia is the third highest investor in a Britain revitalised by Mrs Thatcher’s repudiation of the old defeatist ways.

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