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Liberty’s Asylum Pledge

Question from Dr G S Mead

Will you sign the Asylum Pledge being promoted by Liberty?

Prof says . . .

The UN Convention on the Status of Refugees 1951 requires asylum seekers to apply to the safe country nearest to their existing place of residence.  My view is that this provision must be adhered to by asylum seekers themselves and by those who seek to help them.

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Spinning out of control

A speech at the first Goldsmith Memorial Lecture on 22nd May 2007, at University College in London.

To read the text please click on the link to the “Governance of Britain” page of the Britain Watch website.

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National Identity

A speech to a Conservative Party lunch on 20th September 2002, at the County Hotel, Bramhall, Greater Manchester.

To read the text please click on the link to the “Nationism” page of Britain Watch.

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