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Election Results in Suffolk Coastal

May 10th, 2010

The results were as follows:

Therese Coffey (Conservative) 25,475

Daisy Cooper (LibDem) 16,347

Adam Leeder (Labour) 8,812

Stephen Bush (UKIP) 3,156

Rachel Fulcher (Green) 1,103

The UKIP vote was 5.7% of the total vote, comfortably exceeding the 5% threshold to save the candidate’s deposit. This was an increase of over 50% in vote share and actual votes compared with the 2005 General Election.

In the country as a whole in 2010 (2005 figures in brackets) UKIP:

•fought 560 seats (498)
•saved 101 deposits (36)
•obtained 917,000 votes (603,000)
•scored 1637 votes per seat (1211)

Professor Bush would like to thank all those who voted for him and the five policies which UKIP stood for in the election, viz:

•A permanent end to mass immigration
•A long-term programme for rebuilding our manufacturing industry
•Withdrawing Britain from the undemocratic European Union
•Recovery of our fishing grounds and industry
•An urgent start on building a secure nuclear-based future for our energy supplies.
•Opposition to mass house building projects in Felixstowe and Martlesham
•Giving parish councils the final say in all housing planning issues
•Replacement of Natural England’s and DEFRA’s policy of “managed” retreat of our coastline by a national long-term programme of river flood and coastal erosion defences, adequately financing local initiatives and building them into the overall design for Britain’s coasts.

Stephen would like to thank all those who worked for the campaign’s success, including those who displayed posters in their windows or on boards, and most particularly his Campaign Manager, Gillian Bush, June Larter (Secretary and Treasurer of Suffolk Coastal UKIP branch), Ann Downing (his Agent), Ron Whitmore (UKIP branch Chairman for Suffolk Coastal), Barbara Shout in Felixstowe, Colin Hodson in Martlesham and Clive Boot in the Woodbridge area.

Thanks are also due to the organisers of the 7 hustings, which I as the UKIP candidate was invited to take part in with the other four candidates: St John’s Church, Woodbridge, United Reform Church, Halesworth, Church of St Peter and St Paul, Aldeburgh, St Edmund’s Hall, Southwold, Ben Greatorex, Woodbridge School, Market Hall, Saxmundham, St Felix School, Southwold. Also the visit to the mock election at Saxmundham Middle School (Kevin Minton) where my alter ego, Leanne Wallace, was standing as the UKIP candidate, was very much appreciated.

The Exclusion of UKIP and the Green Party from the hustings arranged by St John’s church in Felixstowe was a regrettable breach of the democratic process, but was more than made up by the interest generated in our stalls outside the Owl and Pussycat and on Felixstowe’s promenade in the days just before the election.

Of particular note from the media was the courteous and fair-minded intereview conducted by Trevor Lockwood of Felixstowe Radio and the interview by Felixstowe TV.

Thank you again to all those who voted for me and helped in the campaign.