New Polymer Composite Processes & Products
- Thermoformability of Discontinuous Long Glass Fibre (LGF) Reinforced Polymer Composites
- Tariffs and Technology
- Novel Energy Reduction and Capital Optimisation for Rotomoulding NERCOR
- Foam insulated versions of the Rollet
- Forming and Self-forming of Thermoplastic Polymer Composites
- The Rotofoam Process and its application to the Manufacture of Large Sandwich Panels
- A new process for making Smart Composite Materials
- Scale, order and complexity in polymer processing
- Scale, Order and Complexity in the Design of Novel Polymer Processes
- Thermoformability of Discontinuous Long Glass Fibre (LGF) reinforced polymer composites, part 1: Characterisation and Stretchability of the sheets
- Making and Testing PE Linings for Domestic Water Pipes
- The Use of Long-Glass Fibre Reinforcement to Minimise Polymer Consumption in the Packaging Field
- New Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoformed Sheet Products
- Long-Fibre Reinforced Blow Moulding
- New Process for Long-Glass Fibre Reinforced Extruded Sheet
- Note on Developing the Moulding Process for Toroidal Rings
- Intelligent Manufacture of Polyester Fibres on the Full Scale
- Novel Blends for Moulding Compounds using the Concept of Partial Compatibility
- Process Pathways Analysis applied to the Design of Polymerization Processes
- New Blends for Moulding Compounds using the concept of Partial Compatibility
- Self Assembling Fibre Reinforcement Processes
- Design of Composite Manufacturing Processes
- Blow-Moulding of Cavity-Walled Containers
- Comparison of Long-fibre Granule Compositions in Polypropylene Injection Moulding
- Report on Santar Projects October 91-March 92
- Revised Link Project Proposal with Lucas Industries plc
- SAFIRE Projects (4)
- Development of new processes for the volume production of polymer composite artefacts
- The Development of New Technology and Systems for the Economic Manufacture of Polymer Composites for the Aerospace and Contingent Industries
- SAFIRE Projects (3)
- SAFIRE Projects (2)
- SAFIRE Projects (1)
- Proposed PVC Caravan Awning Channel
- Principles of Operation of a class of Extruded Fasteners
- SAFIRE Project Description
- Pipe Extrusion with Rotating Die Systems
- Plastics in Engineering Design: An Overall Analysis
- Outline Proposals for Mini ABS and EPS Plants in Turkey
- Development and Manufacture of an Assembly Ring for Gas Centrifuges
- Assessment of Technology and plant for production of Allyl Chloride and Epichlorhydrin at Bydgoszcz in Poland
- Design and Manufacturing Process for a novel replacement automobile bumper system
- Manufacture of Epichlorhydrin: Assessment of the prospects for improvement in the Bydgoszcz 200 unit
- Polyester Fibres Quality - Basic Approach and Results Summary
- Content © Stephen Bush 1960 -
- | Themed by Juju
- | Branding by Sue Brettell
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