List of Presentations
October 5th, 2012
This list is in date order, with the earliest at the top.
The side panel shows the presentations which are on the website, with the most recent at the top.
- 1966 Mathematical Problems in Chemical Reactor Simulation, ICI Lecture Series, Oxford University, 8th November.
- 1968 Computation of Reaction Stability, ICI Lecture Series, Oxford University, 4th December.
- 1968 Integration of Kinetics Equations, National Physical Laboratory, 8th December.
- 1973 Modelling and Control of Chemical Reactors, Vebechem, Antwerp, 29th November.
- 1974 Control of Fibres Process, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Conference, Computers in the control of production, 9th December 1974.
- 1975 Towards a Fully Numerate Chemicals Technology, Dept of Chemical Engineering, ETH, Zurich, 22nd January.
- 1976 Application of Research to Industrial Problems with Particular Reference to the Determination of Complex Reaction Mechanisms, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge, 11th November.
- 1978 Systems and the Design of Process Technology, University of East Anglia, 2nd July-16th August.
- 1978 Systems Technology in the Process Industries, Imperial College/ICI Joint Symposium, 11th October.
- 1978 Control of large-scale manufacture of synthetic fibres, Imperial College/ICI Joint Symposium, 11th October.
- 1979 Plastics Processing and Engineering, UMIST, 2nd March.
- 1980 Review of Scientific Developments Applied to the Polymer Industry, 5th March.
- 1980 Scale and Quality Factors in the design of Polymerisation Reactors, University of Technology, Loughborough, 31st October.
- 1980 Introduction to Polymeric Materials, National Centre of Tribology, 26th-27th November.
- 1981 The Economic Significance of Polymeric Materials, Inaugural Lecture, UMIST, 17th February.
- 1982 The Place of Polymers in Undergraduate Engineering Courses, SERC Polymer Engineering Directorate Summer School, Manchester Poly, 13th-16th September.
- 1983 Teaching Polymer Engineering to Engineering Undergraduates, SERC Polymer Engineering Directorate 2nd Bien Review Meeting, Loughborough, 11th-13th April.
- 1983 Polymer Engineering Research Opportunities, SERC Presentation, UMIST, 9th June.
- 1985 Computer-Aided Engineering in Education, Engineering Professors’ Conference, March.
- 1985 A Model of Confined Impingement Mixing applied to Reaction Injection Mixing, Dept of Mechanical Engineering & Manufacture, Bradford University, 11th March.
- 1985 Future Computing provision for the Engineering Academic Community, SERC Engineering Board, 21st October.
- 1985 Control of Fibre Structures in FR-Thermoplastic Extrusions, to Dow Chemicals in Horgen, 8th November.
- 1986 SERC Design Initiative, SERC Presentation, Applied Mechanics Community, 15th April and 13th May.
- Lecture to the National Centre of Tribology, Risley, on Polymer Types and their General Properties.
- 1986 Polymers in the Design of Consumer Products, Thorn EMI Conference, 16th April.
- 1986 Management Development for Scientists and Technologists, Industry Year Conference, Manchester Business School, 10th July.
- 1987 SAFIRE Presentation to Ametex AG, 2nd July.
- 1987 New Processes for Composites Manufacture, Lucas Engineering & Systems, Technical Centre, 1st June.
- 1987 Manufacturing with Polymeric Materials, Unisys/AMTRI seminar on Computer Integrated Manufacture, St Paul de Vence, 31 August-2nd September.
- 1988 Presentation on Process Pathways Analysis to Dept of Trade and Industry, 24th February.
- 1989 Seminar on Physical Analogy and Numerical Methods in Processing Polymers, UMIST, 23rd January.
- 1989 Eureka Presentation at BCRA, Stoke-on-Trent, 25th November.
- 1990 Polymer Composites: New Product Manufacturing Technology in Aerospace Industry, Link Presentation to Lucas Industries Seminar, Shirley, 31st January.
- 1991 How to improve British State Education Quickly and at No Cost, More Matter Less ArtCampaign for Real Education Annual Conf, London, 14th April.
- 1992 Systems Technology applied to Process Development, at United Biscuits Research Centre, High Wycombe, 6th October.
- 1992 Technology in Schools, Engineering Professors’ Conference, Holly Royde, 25th November.
- 1992 Self Assembling Fibre Reinforcement (SAFIRE) of Polymeric Materials, Cookson Technical Centre, Woodstock, 14th December.
- 1993 Scale-up for production of the GRANEX process, Everite Group, South Africa, 6th May.
- 1993 Introducing UMIST Polymer Engineering to Industry, Interplas 93, NEC, 7-11 November.
- 1994 Integrated Design & Manufacture – the NEPPCO Approach, Preston Transtech Internation, Cardiff, 1st December.
- 1995 Design and Manufacture of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites, University of Ljublyana, 21st September.
- 1996 Systems Technology Applied to Process Development, NEPPCO/LEONARDO program, Thompson Plastics/Arla Plastprodukter AB, Hull, 22-23 January.
- 1996 Introducing SAFIRE Polymer Composite Processes & Materials, Prosyma Research Ltd, 2nd Ed.
- 1996 Improving Competitiveness and Managing Change in SMEs, TDC Seminar, Durham, 20th November.
- 1997 Presentation to Mr Mark Brenner, General Manager (Operations) BPTA Services Ltd, Prof Bae, Prof Park, Mr Lee, Samsun Inst of Science & Technology, Korea, with J M Methven, J D Tonkin and P Hunter, 12th June
- 1997 Carl Klason Memorial PPS Keynote Lecture, “Mechanisms and Results from Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding, Sheet Extrusion for Thermoforming and Pipe Extrusion”, PPS European Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26th August
- 1997 New Products, Improved Processes – Real Jobs, to Parliamentary Manufacturing Industry Group, Houses of Parliament, 25th November.
- 1998 Foresight in Business, Goldsmith Hall, London, 6th February.
- 2000 Strix Presentation, 25th September.
- 2001 Strix Visit, 3rd April.
- 2001 Presentation to Action Plan Board re PDCU, 31st July
- 2001 Smartform presentation to Marks & Spencer and S&S, 5th December
- 2002 Rollet Presentation, 30th January.
- 2002 NEPPCO AGM, 24th April.
- 2002 SAFIRE presentations to Amidex, July, September, 24th-25th October and November.
- 2002 Interplas
- 2002 Working with the UMIST Centre for Manufacture, 10th December.
- 2003 Modern Materials in the Service of Man, Worth Probus Meeting, Poynton, Cheshire, 9th January.
- 2003 “Where we are and where we are going” opening of STRIX Centre, January.
- 2003 NW Manufacturing Exhibition, Reebok Stadium, Bolton, 5-6 November.
- 2008 The Development of Innovative Products and Processes for small and medium-sized enterprises, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey, 9th October
- 2008 Self-organisation of Discrete Fibre Reinforcements in Polymer Flows, Cambridge University Dept of Chemical Engineering, 5th November.
- 2011 Alternative careers in Chemical Engineering, presentation to Cambridge University and East Anglia branches of Institution of Chemical Engineers, 17th May