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Set up new board for hard exams

July 6th, 1990

A letter to the Daily Telegraph which was published on 6th July 1990.

There is a simple and cost-effective way of stopping the decline in academic standards described by George Walden (article, July 3rd).

That is to set up, with government backing for the idea, a new “hard” examination board, whose first job would be to re-institute O-level and A-level exams at the standards which existed only three or four years ago.  If this is not done, and quickly, Gresham’s law of educational currency will rule: those boards such as AEB leading the way in softening standards, will force down the standards of other boards trying to hold the line.

For schools to opt for the new board would be the exact counterpart of the decision to opt out of local authority management.  Indeed, without such a board, opting out will not bring the benefits the Government wants.

Pace Mr Walden, I know of plenty of people who would help Mr McGregor bypass the present educationalist establishment and start Britain on the way back to proper educational standards in our schools.