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Band of Brothers – Recovering the English Nation

June 14th, 2012

Actually the majority of immigrants to any country are usually anxious to leave behind their native country – after all they left it to go to a more successful one.  It is the egalitarian, overwhelmingly Marxist tendency that in pursuit of a false model of people sees them exclusively in class and race terms to be set against the native population (from whom the vast majority of the egalitarians emanate).

The Modern Day English Nation

This is presently submerged within the British state, but doesn’t have to be.

On the nationist scale, England scores over 4 with about 80% of its population made up of the indigenous English, whom we may define in accordance with the Cabinet’s enquiry in 1939 and the patriality provisions of the 1981 British Nationality Act as having one or more grand-parents born in England or of traceable English descent.  Around half of the remaining 20% are other native British or Irish and half other European, Asian and Afro-Caribbean.

Like Scotland, England for most of its existence has been an internationally recognised nation-state but joined with Scotland to make a new British State in 1707, subsequently in 1801 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and then in 1922 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  Crucially during the 304 years of the British State, the proportion of the population and the associated gross national product in England has grown so that it is today about 85% of Britain’s.  The British political establishment has determinedly rebuffed any attempt to recognise this fact, while pushing parliaments on to the much smaller parts of the United Kingdom.  There is no other part of the Western World, where a nation of England’s size and nationist inheritance has no parliament of its own.  There are no insuperable obstacles to establishing an English parliament within the United Kingdom, only the desperate anxiety of the Labour party to cling on to its chance of ruling England through its seats in Scotland and Wales and the Conservatives’ muddled reluctance to force the issue.

England’s Inheritance: its gifts to the World

Besides the responses of the political class to mass immigration, the teaching of the English inheritance has been impeded by the sheer success of English culture, which increasingly looks like the whole world’s.  In addition the schools educational establishment has refused to teach English and British history in a straightforward sequential manner, the treatment of the British Empire such as it is, being particularly unbalanced[17].

A short article can only indicate the main things we need to pass on to new generations but they are arguably as follows:

First, the English language and its literature which has expanded from approximately 1.5 million during the reign of King Alfred the Great (872-99)[30] to about 440 million native speakers today and perhaps double that number of regular non-native speakers in business, science and tourism.

Second, England’s disproportionately large contribution to the Scientific Enlightenment through Bacon, Newton, Dalton, Faraday, Darwin, to name only the giants.

Third, Britain’s creation of the Industrial Revolution, starting in England and spreading throughout the world – defining the modern world in fact.

Fourth, the building of the English and then British Empires by settlement of people and institutions in North America and Australasia, by merchant venturing all over the world (one of which companies – the Hudson’s Bay Company 1687 still operates today in Canada), and military prowess in which all nations of the British Isles participated.

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