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Introducing SAFIRE Polymer Composite Processes and Materials

October 25th, 1996

Presentation of the SAFIRE technology, 1996.

S F Bush, Prosyma Research Ltd

What SAFIRE means

SAFIRE is the acronym for Self Assembling FIbre REinforcement and is a registered trade mark. The SAFIRE technology package provides a system for reinforcing thermoplastics and thermosetting polymer materials in standard moulding and extrusion machinery, in an exceptionally cost-efficient way.

What SAFIRE is

SAFIRE consists of two basic elements – means of making long-fibre containing polymer granules, and means of processing the fibre filaments into a mat-like reinforcement structure within a polymer artefact.

SAFIRE granules are generally used in a masterbatch along with other ingredient masterbatches such as pigments and fire-retardants. Typical proportions of SAFIRE to host polymer range from 1:1 to 1:3. SAFIRE can also be used neat. Mechanical devices which fit into processing equipment help create a reinforcing mat structure, improving the uniformity of fibre dispersion and orientation in the manufactured artefact. There are no moving parts.

There is no necessity for the polymer in the SAFIRE granule to be the same as the host polymer, only that the two should be thermodynamically compatible. SAFIRE is thus particularly useful in situations where the host polymer is itself a mixture, for instance a blend of virgin and recyclate. A polypropylene based SAFIRE granule has successfully reinforced recycled low density polyethylene for instance.