The A-cell Product and Process
January 5th, 1985
Preliminary report to Synterials plc.
S F Bush
- To assess the value and relevance to Synterials’ business of the A-cell product and process.
- To propose possible steps.
Tags: A-cell, Development of new processes and products, Synterials, UMIST
Posted on Saturday, January 5th, 1985.
Applications to Existing Processes & Products
- Thermoformability of Discontinuous Long Glass Fibre (LGF) Reinforced Polymer Composites
- Vacuum Pultrusion: A Process for Manufacture of Large Cross-section Profiles
- Quantifying Rate Limiting Mechanisms in Polymer Technology
- Report on Classification of Spectacle Cases
- Report I on SEFAR AG's infringement claim against Madison Filter Group Ltd
- Sheet extrusion and thermoforming of discrete long glass fibre reinforced polypropylene
- The Polycarbonate Hemisphere Moulding Problem
- Tests on lids for Drinking Mugs
- Socket Drive Manufacturing Process
- Estimate of the temperature in a carbon steel cross-member supporting an insulated tank
- Report on Failed Extruder Screw
- Characterization of Pigment Distribution in Extrusion of Synthetic Fibres
- Report on failed Bass bottle
- Manufacture of Universal Colour Masterbatch
- Terry's Moments Project: Shrink-Cracking Problem
- Sudden Failure of Rubber-Covered Roller
- Moulding Problem
- Coextruded Film for Packaging
- Buckling of Lidded Containers
- Principal Design Factors in Lidded Containers
- The A-cell Product and Process
- Polymer Composites
- Extruded Products
- Failure of Rubber Gaskets in 300 mm bore Water Lines
- Report on Failure of Resin Tank Farm Installation and Remedial Actions taken
- Investigation of the Design and Operation of Resin Tank Farm System
- Investigation of Cracking Problem in ABS Bumpers
- Investigation of Crack Problems in Steering Column Knob Assembly II
- Investigation of Crack Problems in Steering Column Assemblies Part I
- Representation of the MDI Plants in FlowPack I and Flowpack II
- The Application of Jets to Chemical Engineering Operations
- Time Dependent Dye-uptake Variations in 150 f44 Tilobal Polyester Yarn
- The Continuous Nylon Polymeriser Project at Corporate Laboratory - Bozedown
- CIRL Proposals for the Design and Control of 2500 M cubed/Hr Methyl Chloride Chlorinators
- Some Design Principles for New Chloromethanes Chlorinators
- Interim Account and Conclusions of the Study of the 1.1.1.-Trichloroethane (Genklene) Process
- Effect of Shape Changes on the Performance of Model Rocksavage Chlorinators
- On the use of Stirred Reactors for the Full-Scale Chlorination of Methane/Methyl Chloride Mixtures and Estimates of the Capacity of Installed Plant at Rocksavage Works
- Proposals for the Use of Mixing and Cooling in the Production of Chlorinated Methanes
- Content © Stephen Bush 1960 -
- | Themed by Juju
- | Branding by Sue Brettell
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